
Балацький Віктор Миколайович

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Стажування, підвищення кваліфікації

 Перелік наукових праць 2018-2023

A.M. Saienko, V.N. Balatsky, Y.O. Budakva, M.Y. Peka,  S.M. Korinnyi.  DNA typing by telomerase reverse gene transcriptase (tert). Animal Breeding and Genetics, 2022. 64, p. 128-134


V.N. Balatsky, Y.K. Oliinychenko, A.M. Saienko, T.V. Buslyk, I.B. Bankovska, M. Yu. Peka, O. Doran.  Associations of Polymorphisms in Leptin and Leptin Receptor Genes with Meat Quality in Pigs of the Ukrainian Large White Breed. Cytology and Genetics. 2022. V.56, N.6. P. 513-525. https://doi.org/10.3103/S0095452722060020


A.M. Saienko, M.Y. Peka, V.N. Balatsky. Optimization of the dna typing technique for tert and mt2a candidate genes for marker-associated selection of pigs. International science coference. Riga, the Republi c of Latvia. August 30–31, 2022. In book: Forecasts and prospects of scientific discoveries in agricultural sciences and food. 2022. P. 96-101.



M.Y. Peka, V.N. Balatsky, А.І. Bozhkov, A.M. Saienko. Comparative analysis of human and livestock АСЕ2 receptors for SARS-COV-2. Animal Breeding and Genetics. 2021. V.62. P.120-129. DOI: https://doi.org/10.31073/abg.62.16


V. Balatsky, Y. Oliinychenko, K. Pochernyaev, A. Saienko, T. Buslyk, and I. Bankovskа. Association of LEP and CTSF genotypes with levels of meat quality of Large White pig breed. ISAG (International Society of Animal Science), Virtual Conference, July 26-30, 2021 Abstract book, Р.110, abstract P318



V.N. Balatsky, Y.K. Oliinychenko, T.V. Buslyk, I.B. Bankovska, S.N. Korinnyi, A.M. Saienko, K.F. Pochernyaev. Associations of QTL Region Genes of Chromosome 2 with Meat Quality Traits and Productivity of the Ukrainian Large White Pig Breed. Cytology and Genetics. 2021. Vol. 55, No. 1. Р. 53–62. 



I Bankovska, Y Oliinychenko, V Balatsky, T Buslyk, S Hryshchenko, R SusolAssociation of LEP- and CTSF-genotypes with levels of meat quality PSE, NOR and DFD in pigs of large white breed of Ukrainian selection. Agricultural Science and Practice. 2020. Vol. 7, No 1. Р. 14-23. https://doi.org/10.15407/agrisp7.01.014


Є.К. Олійниченко, В.М. Балацький, Вовк В. О., Буслик Т. В. Генетичний та асоціативний аналіз однонуклеотидного поліморфізма g.22 g>c в гені катепсину f свиней різних порід. Тваринництво та технології харчових продуктів. 2019. Т. 10, №1. С. 21-26. http://dx.doi.org/10.31548/animal2019.01.021


P. Vashchenko, V. Balatsky, K. Pocherniaev, V. Voloshchuk, V. Tsybenko, A. Saenko, Ye. Oliynychenko, T. Buslyk, H. Rudoman. Genetic characterization of the Mirgorod pig breed, obtained by analysis of single nucleotide polymorphisms of genes. Agricultural Science and Practice, 2019. Vol. 6, No 2. P. 47-57. https://doi.org/10.15407/agrisp6.02.047


V. Balatsky, Y. Oliinychenko, N. Sarantseva, A. Getya, A. Saienko, V. Vovk, O. Doran. Association of single nucleotide polymorphisms in leptin (LEP) and leptin receptor (LEPR) genes with backfat thickness and daily weight gain in Ukrainian Large White pigs. Livestock Science. 2018. Vol. 217. С. 157-161. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.livsci.2018.09.015


E.K. Oleinichenko, N.V. Sarantseva, V.A. Vovk, A.M. Saenko, S.N. Korinnoy, V.N. Balatsky. Влияние полиморфизмов генов лептина и рецептора лептина на продуктивные качества свиней крупной белой породы.  Свинарство. 2018. Міжвідомчий тематичний науковий збірник Інституту свинарства і АПВ НААН Вип. 71. С. 83-92.



Е.К. Oleinichenko, T.V. Buslyk, I.B. Bankovska, V.N. Balatsky. Наявність поліморфізмів у гені лептину серед популяцій свиней вітчизняних порід. Аграрний вісник Причорномор’я. – 2018. Вип 87-2. С. 86-92.


Balatsky М.,  Oliinychenko Y.,  Sarantseva N., Saienko A.   Book of Abstracts of the 69th Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science. 2018. S.66, P. 600. Assocition between SNPs in LEP and LEPR genes with production traits in Ukrainian Large White pigs.


Цибенко В.Г., Ващенко П.А.,  Балацький В.М., Саенко А.М. Новітні селекційно-генетичні методи у племінній роботі з миргородською породою свиней.  Свинарство.  Міжвідомчий тематичний науковий збірник Інституту свинарства і АПВ НААН. 2018. Вип. 71. С. 70-78.



Інші наукові публікації


Associations of Polymorphisms in Leptin and Leptin Receptor Genes with Meat Quality in Pigs of the Ukrainian Large White Breed

Balatsky, V.N., Oliinychenko, Y.K., Saienko, A.M., ...Peka, M.Y., Doran, O.

Cytology and Genetics, 2022, 56(6), pp. 513–525



Associations of QTL Region Genes of Chromosome 2 with Meat Quality Traits and Productivity of the Ukrainian Large White Pig Breed

Balatsky, V.N., Oliinychenko, Y.K., Buslyk, T.V., ...Saienko, A.M., Pochernyaev, K.F.

Cytology and Genetics, 2021, 55(1), pp. 53–62



Association of single nucleotide polymorphisms in leptin (LEP) and leptin receptor (LEPR) genes with backfat thickness and daily weight gain in Ukrainian Large White pigs

Balatsky, V., Oliinychenko, Y., Sarantseva, N., ...Vovk, V., Doran, O.

Livestock Science, 2018, 217, pp. 157–161



Mitochondrial DNA variation in Ukrainian wild boars

Kubejko, J., Clop, A., Balatsky, V., ...Eghbalsaied, S., Amills, M.

Animal Genetics, 2017, 48(6), pp. 725–726   https://doi.org/10.1111/age.12592


Polymorphisms of the porcine cathepsins, growth hormone-releasing hormone and leptin receptor genes and their association with meat quality traits in Ukrainian Large White breed

Balatsky, V., Bankovska, I., Pena, R.N., ...Korinnyi, S., Doran, O.

Molecular Biology Reports, 2016, 43(6), pp. 517–526



Genetic diversity of pig breeds on ten production quantitative traits loci

Balatsky, V.N., Saienko, A.M., Pena, R.N., Buslyk, T.V., Gibolenko, O.S.

Cytology and Genetics, 2015, 49(5), pp. 299–307



Polymorphism of the estrogen receptor 1 locus in populations of pigs of different genotypes and its association with reproductive traits of Large White sows

Balatsky, V.N., Saenko, A.M., Grishina, L.P.

Cytology and Genetics, 2012, 46(4), pp. 233–237




DNA Diagnostics of Porcine Stress Syndrome and RYRI Genotype Association with Viability of Young Pigs

Balatsky, V.N., Metlitskaya, E.I.

Tsitologiya i Genetika, 2001, 35(3), pp. 43–49

https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/11785432/ PMID: 11785432


Genetic polymorphism of somatotropin

Balatskii, V.N., Lisovskii, I.L.

Tsitologiya i Genetika, 1998, 32(2), pp. 92–104

https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/9783370/         PMID: 9783370


Association of LEP- and CTSF-genotypes with levels of meat quality PSE, NOR and DFD in pigs of large white breed of Ukrainian selection.

Bankovska, I., Oliinychenko, Y., Balatsky, V., Buslyk, T., Hryshchenko, S., & Susol, R. (2020). Agricultural Science and Practice, 7(1), 14-23. https://doi.org/10.15407/agrisp7.01.014


Genetic characterization of the Mirgorod pig breed, obtained by analysis of single nucleotide polymorphisms of genes.

Vashchenko, P., Balatsky, V., Pocherniaev, K., Voloshchuk, V., Tsybenko, V., Saenko, A., Oliynychenko, Y., Buslyk, T., & Rudoman, H. (2019). Agricultural Science and Practice, 6(2), 47-57. https://doi.org/10.15407/agrisp6.02.047


Association between leptin receptor gene polymorphism and quality of both meat and back fat in large white pigs of ukrainian breeding.

Balatsky, V., Bankovska, I., & Saienko, A. (2016). Agricultural Science and Practice, 3(2), 42-48. https://doi.org/10.15407/agrisp3.02.042